Developing a new product for a customer in Iceland who needed to fix brackets to the façade substructure with Rockwool insulation.
Fixings and innovative solutions for pros at CELO
Customised solutions

The new catalogue 2022 is here

Discover innovative, time-saving product solutions in many categories!
COFME Quaterly meeting

Welcoming our partners for the first meeting in our new auditorium
DIF products in Serbia

Our direct impact fixings, including the FORCE ONE gas nailer and accessories are being used in the construction of a logistics centre in Serbia.
Choose the right nail

Use this handy guide to find out which size nail you should be using for your application
Construction in Poland

CELO are contributing to a project in Central Poland, where our FORCE ONE gas nailer and accessories have been used in the construction of a hospital.
Stop drilling, start nailing

Calculate your costs and discover how much you could be saving with the FORCE ONE. Stop drilling, and start nailing today!
FORCE ONE demos in Croatia

Our sales representatives are busy performing demonstrations in Croatia.
Our fixings in the Middle East

Products such as the BAZ and ResiFIX Pure Epoxy are being used in the application of glass-reinforced concrete cladding.
Discover ResiTHERM® 16 & 12

The 1st ETA-approved fixing system for heavy-duty installations on insulated façades and concrete.
5 benefits of chemical anchors

Discover why chemical anchors can help us in the most demanding fastening applications.
Why use ETA approved fixings?

Why an ETA approved product is important, how do they get this approval plus much more!