Fixings and innovative solutions for pros at CELO
Find a wide variety of CELO installation and fastening accessories, from threaded rods to chemical gun dispensers.
Manual dispenser for ResiFIX cartridges
Caulking gun for coaxial cartidges ResiFIX
Manual dispenser ResiFIX cartridges
Mixing nozzles for our ResiFIX injection mortars
Mixing nozzle extension for ResiFIX
Cleaning brush for ResiFIX
Accessory for cleaning brush for ResiFIX
Anchor rod for ResiFIX
Plastic sleeve for ResiFIX
1m metal sleeve ResiFIX
Internal threaded sleeve for ResiFIX
Threaded metal hook
Threaded metal eye
Threaded metal L hook
Wide metal washer
Socket wrench BTS6/TRB ST/TRB FT/TRB P
High tenacity steel nail
Bendable metal support
Threaded rod part for extending installations
Connecting metal stud/nut
Hexagonal metal connecting nut
Cylindric metal connecting nut M4, M6 and M8.
Suspension of threaded rods from beam flanges
Manual dispenser OL for ResiFIX
Hook with inner metric thread
Eye nut DIN 582
Neoprene EPDM rubber for pipes outlet
Accessory for ResiTHERM® 37
Threaded rod 4.8 grade steel
Accessory for concrete screw BTS6
2 cutting concrete drill bits. Daimèters from 5 to 25.
Standard eye nut